What Causes Rosacea?

The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, but it could be due to an overactive immune system, heredity, and environmental factors. There are many factors that can trigger rosacea flares, including but not limited to:

How Do Dermatologists Treat Rosacea??

People often ask what is the most effective treatment for rosacea? That can be different for everyone anddepends greatly on the subtype of rosacea the patient is diagnosed with. Certainly avoiding triggers helps, butgetting a prescribed skin care treatment plan is essential. topical medications-sulfur, metronidazole, azelaic acid, retinol oral antibiotics-doxycycline cosmetic lasers


Schedule a phone consultation today for personalized advice and guidance on managing your Rosacea. Danielle LeClair, NP will work with you to determine your triggers and to get you the treatment regimen that will work best for you. If you are ready to get your rosacea under control, give us a call at 410-870-8225 to schedule an appointment today.

Treatments For Rosacea?

Rosacea treatment combines medications like topical creams and oral antibiotics to alleviate inflammation. Avoidance of triggers such as sunlight and spicy foods is crucial for preventing flare-ups. Laser therapy effectively targets visible blood vessels and reduces redness. Gentle skincare practices with non-irritating products, coupled with consistent sunscreen use, help manage symptoms.

There is evidence to suggest that genetics play a role in rosacea. If you have family members with rosacea, you may have an increased risk of developing it yourself.

Researchers believe that abnormalities in the blood vessels of the face may contribute to the flushing and redness associated with rosacea. These abnormalities may be caused by genetic factors or environmental triggers.

There is some evidence to suggest that microscopic mites called Demodex folliculorum, which are commonly found on human skin, may play a role in rosacea. These mites may trigger an inflammatory response in some individuals, leading to the development of rosacea symptoms.

Some researchers believe that abnormalities in the immune system may contribute to the development of rosacea. Inflammation is a key component of rosacea, and the immune system plays a central role in regulating inflammation.

Who Gets Rosacea?

Rosacea tends to affect women more than men, but when men get it, it tends to be more severe. The average age of onset for rosacea is in someone’s thirties, forties, or fifties, but it can affect anyone at anytime. It is thought that more fair-skinned individuals are affected by rosacea, but the condition may be under diagnosed in dark-skinned patients because dark skin can mask facial redness.

How To Reduce Rsacea Symptoms

Products made for the face that contain azelaic acid, dicarboxylic or niacinamide may help with rosacea symptoms. These products are available without a prescription. Choose fragrance-free products, and avoid those that contain skin irritants such as alcohol, camphor, urea and menthol

Rosacea Treatments

Products made for the face that contain azelaic acid, dicarboxylic or niacinamide may help with rosacea symptoms. These products are available without a prescription.

Choose fragrance-free products, and avoid those that contain skin irritants such as alcohol, camphor, urea and menthol

Rosaceae Symptoms

Along with redness, people with rosacea may also experience: The symptoms tend to come and go, usually set off by a trigger (more details below).

skin sensitivities

Skin sensitivities refer to a range of reactions that the skin may have when it encounters certain substances or environmental factors. These reactions can vary widely in severity and may manifest as redness, itching, burning, stinging, swelling, or other discomfort. Skin sensitivities can be temporary or chronic, and they can affect individuals of all ages and skin types.

stinging or burning

Stinging or burning skin is a sensation characterized by a feeling of discomfort, heat, or irritation on the skin's surface. It can range from mild to severe and may be accompanied by redness, inflammation, or other symptoms. This sensation can be caused by various factors, including:

pus-filled bumps that look similar to acne

Pus-filled bumps that resemble acne can be indicative of several skin conditions. Here are some common conditions that present with such symptoms:

What Causes Rosacea?

The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, but it could be due to an overactive immune system, heredity, and environmental factors. There are many factors that can trigger rosacea flares, including but not limited to:

Broken Blood Vessels

Broken blood vessels, also known as telangiectasia, are a common characteristic of rosacea, particularly in its advanced stages. These broken blood vessels are tiny capillaries that become dilated and visible beneath the skin's surface. While the precise mechanism behind their development in rosacea isn't fully understood, several factors contribute to their formation:

swelling and thickening skin

Swelling and thickening of the skin can occur due to various underlying conditions, and the specific characteristics may differ depending on the cause. Here are some common conditions associated with swelling and thickening of the skin:

pus-filled bumps that look similar to acne

Pus-filled bumps that resemble acne can be indicative of several skin conditions. Here are some common conditions that present with such symptoms:

How is Rosacea Diagnosed ?

A rosacea diagnosis is usually made by obtaining a good medical history and performing a good visual inspection by a dermatologist. Other skin conditions can mimic rosacea, such as acne, eczema,zseborrheic dermatitis, and lupus. Rarely are skin biopsies or other diagnostic tests needed to make a rosacea diagnosis, but to rule out other skin conditions that mimic rosacea, sometimes a skin biopsy is required.


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Who Gets Rosacea?

Rosacea tends to affect women more than men, but when men get it, it tends to be more severe. The average age of onset for rosacea is in someone’s thirties, forties, or fifties, but it can affect anyone at anytime. It is thought that more fair-skinned individuals are affected by rosacea, but the condition may be under diagnosed in dark-skinned patients because dark skin can mask facial redness.

What Causes Rosacea?

The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, but it could be due to an overactive immune system, heredity, and environmental factors. There are many factors that can trigger rosacea flares, including but not limited to:

Alcohol, especially red wine

Spicy foods


Hot beverages




Certain medications

Emotions and stress



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