Best Dermotologist

For Moles Treatment

Treatment and removal of Moles By DANIELLE LECLAIR, NP

Moles • Treatment • Removal

What Are Moles?
Moles (also known as nevi) are normal skin growths

that are usually brown, round in shape


Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist for mole treatment evaluation and personalized care.

Mole treatment options include surgical excision, laser therapy, or cryotherapy, depending on factors like size, location, and potential health risks; consulting a dermatologist is advisable for personalized evaluation and treatment.

Types of Moles

What Are the Different Types of Moles ?

Common nevi

Common nevi, or moles, are benign skin growths composed of melanocytes, typically appearing during childhood or adolescence; while usually harmless, they should be monitored for any changes in size, shape, or color that may indicate skin cancer.

  • What Are Common Nevi?
  • Development and Characteristics:
  • Causes and Factors:
  • Significance and Monitoring:
  • Differential Diagnosis:
  • Management and Treatment:

Congenital nevi

Congenital nevi, commonly referred to as birthmarks, are pigmented skin lesions present at birth or appearing shortly thereafter. Understanding their characteristics, potential risks, and management is crucial for individuals and caregivers alike.

  • What Are Congenital Nevi?
  • Types and Characteristics:
  • Risk Factors and Complications:
  • Management and Treatment:
  • Caring for Congenital Nevi:

Atypical dysplastic nevi

Atypical dysplastic nevi are abnormal moles that exhibit irregular features and can resemble melanoma. Recognizing their characteristics, potential risks, and appropriate management strategies is crucial for early detection and prevention of skin cancer.

  • Defining Atypical Dysplastic Nevi
  • Characteristics and Risk Factors
  • Assessment and Surveillance
  • Management Options
  • Sun Protection and Prevention

Common nevi

Common or acquired nevi are moles that develop after a person is born. Most commonly they appear on fair-skinned individuals. Common moles are symmetrical, round or oval in shape, less than 6 millimeters in diameter, and have brown, even pigmentation. Having 10 to 40 of acquired nevi is quite common, but having more than 50 puts individuals at a greater chance for developing melanoma.

Congenital nevi

According to the AAD, about 1 in 100 people are born with a mole. These are called congenital nevi. Congenital moles can vary in size and often grow as the person grows. Most congenital nevi pose no health risk, but the larger in size they are, the greater the risk they pose for developing melanoma.

Atypical dysplastic nevi

Atypical nevi, or dysplastic nevi, are often described as being on a continuum between common moles and melanoma. To the naked eye, it can be difficult to determine the difference between a dysplastic nevus and a melanoma. A dermatologist will use a dermatoscope to assess these types of moles. Often, skin biopsies are performed to test the mole for atypia.

When Should I See A Dermatologist ?

When we talk about suspicious moles, we often refer to the ABCDE checklist. If you have any moles with these symptoms, you need to schedule an appointment with a dermatology professional.


One half of the mole doesn’t match the other half


A mole that is greater than 6 millimeters in size


The edges of the mole are notched or ragged


Change in size, shape, shade of color, itching, or bleeding in a mole


the mole is varied shades of tan, black, and brown

What Are Moles?

Moles (also known as nevi) are normal skin growths that are usually brown, round in shape, and flat or slightly raised. Benign moles usually develop during childhood and adolescence appearing very slowly on your skin. Moles that appear in adulthood can be a sign of melanoma. If you are concerned about one or more of your moles, it is important to schedule a full-body skin examination with a dermatology professional that specializes in moles and mole removal.

How Are Moles Removed ?

A mole removal is a safe and routine procedure performed in dermatology offices everyday. After a thorough skin examination using a dermatoscope, your dermatologist will determine if it is safe for you to have your mole removed and which procedure is right for you. There are several mole removal options: Shave removal where the mole removal specialist uses a surgical blade to shave the mole leaving a small wound to heal on its own Surgical excision where the mole removal specialist cuts out the entire mole and stitches the skin together.

Mole Treatment By Danielle LeClair, NP graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology.

Having your moles evaluated by a dermatology professional is the best step you can take in determining the health of your moles. Schedule your mole check today by calling 410-870-8225.

Common or acquired nevi are moles that develop after a person is born. Most commonly they appear on fair-skinned individuals. Common moles are symmetrical, round or oval in shape, less than 6 millimeters in diameter, and have brown, even pigmentation. Having 10 to 40 of acquired nevi is quite common, but having more than 50 puts individuals at a greater chance for developing melanoma.


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Nurse Practitioner

Danielle LeClair, NP

Danielle LeClair, NP graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology. Her passion in nursing began while working in skilled nursing facilities very early in her nursing career. Soon thereafter she received her Master of Science in Nursing from the MGH Institute of Health Professions in Boston, Massachusetts. Danielle’s professional interests in treating dermatologic conditions was inspired by a preceptorship in dermatology while attending nursing school.
  • Best Dermatalogist Ellicott City
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In her spare time, Danielle enjoys being a mom to her young son and to her dog “Gogo”, hiking, reading and gardening.




Nurse Practitioner

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OUR Happy Patients & REVIEWS

"I am very happy and lucky to have Danielle taking care of my skin care. She is a true professional and listens to my concerns. She addresses them in terms and solutions that I can understand. I feel like a friend is taking care of me and that's important to me!


Dr. Danielle is the kindest and most helpful dermatologist I've met. She took care of all my dermatology checks, issues, or concerns very quickly and thoroughly in one visit. I highly recommend visiting her clinic for any dermatology concerns

Nathan Brandli 2023-06-22


Shana R.

Was able to make an appointment within 2 days! I was in and out in 15 minutes for mole removal and sample for biopsy. I felt welcome and taken care of. Truly amazing.


Spitz nevi

Spitz nevi are difficult to distinguish from melanoma because clinically they can look very similar. Spitz nevi are usually raised and vary in color from pink to brown to black. The best way to diagnose a Spitz nevus from a melanoma is with a skin biopsy. Common or acquired nevi are moles that develop after a person is born. Most commonly they appear on fair-skinned individuals. Common moles are symmetrical, round or oval in shape, less than 6 millimeters in diameter, and have brown, even pigmentation. Having 10 to 40 of acquired nevi is quite common, but having more than 50 puts individuals at a greater chance for developing melanoma.

Skin Treatment Clinic

Clear Skin For You

3213 Corporate Court
Ellicott City, MD 21042

United States

Tel: 410 - 870 -8225


The Kallyas Theme

Danielle LeClair, NP graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biology. Her passion in nursing began while working in skilled nursing facilities very early in her nursing career. Soon thereafter she received her Master of Science in Nursing from the MGH Institute of Health Professions in Boston, Massachusetts. Danielle’s professional interests in treating dermatologic conditions was inspired by a preceptorship in dermatology while attending nursing school.


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